White Papers

Here is the SPOT Imaging online archive of longer technical articles and white papers on life science imaging subjects.

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Article Abstract
Improve Patient Outcomes with Video Pathology Consultations: A Literature Review A review of published studies indicates that video conferencing support of intraoperative pathology consultation contributes not only to improved patient outcomes, but also reduces liability and results in significant time savings for the hospital, pathology lab and surgical personnel.
How to Obtain Parfocality Between Camera and Microscope Eyepieces Instructions for configuring your microscope imaging system so that the camera image is in focus at the same time as the image viewed through the microscope eyepieces.
Kohler Illumination: Quick Guide This is a 2 page step by step guide for setting up Kohler Illumination on microscopes. Print it out and keep it at your microscope as a reference.
Kohler Illumination: Training Presentation This is a 19 slide Presentation geared toward the introduction and training of students or colleagues on setting up Kohler Illumination on microscopes.
What to Consider When Its Time to Replace Your Digital Microscope Camera This white paper will explore digital microscope cameras and purchasing considerations.
The Effect of the Microscope Adapter Magnification on Image Field of View Technical note on how the microscope adapter magnification effects the resulting image field of view.
How To Calculate The Total Magnification Technical note on how to measure the total magnification of the specimen displayed on your monitor, and how to approximate the real size of your specimen.
Space in Microscope Digital Imaging
An understanding of color space can help you enhance the quality of your images. In this article we will review three that are commonly used in digital imaging, RGB, HSL and HSV.
Digital Imaging Key Concepts
As fun as taking pictures may be, it is the professional analysis of samples that really counts. This article discusses key concepts of imaging systems and how these concepts contribute to a professional presentation of your work.
The Consumer
Digital Camera vs. Scientific Digital Cameras
We have all seen the recent improvements in consumer digital cameras. They have gone from low resolution, curiosities to very capable, high resolution, point and shoot cameras. The prices have dropped dramatically making them even more enticing. Do these cameras have a place in pathology?
How To Improve Color Reproduction in Microscope Images When you capture an image of a specimen,
you want it to look like what you saw through the eyepieces.  In this article we will cover the basic concepts of color management and
what you can do to make sure what you capture is as close to what you see as possible.
3-Shot vs. Color Mosaic This article illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of Color Mosaic and 3-Shot sampling technologies
Image Corrections In this discussion we will explore how variations due to practical hardware considerations are scientifically accounted for
and removed, with the goal of providing an image that is the closest match to the specimen.
Megapixels Per Dollar Consumer marketing has hyped "mega pixels" as the hook on which they hang their hat. In scientific imaging, the number of pixels is only part of the story, in fact, not always the most important part. This article discusses some of the important specifications of pixels and their relationship to real world scientific imaging.
Dynamic Range in Digital Imaging How dynamic range affects the aesthetics of images for documentation, and what effect high dynamic range has on the quantitative
imaging process.
Cassette Printer Technologies It is difficult to print tiny data matrix barcodes onto the ends of plastic tissue cassettes. A barcode's readability and accuracy is of the utmost importance.  The technology used to print barcodes on the ends of tissue cassettes has evolved over time. Read more on each new solution and the improvements over the previous technologies.